NEProgram Self-Mastery Doctorate
Chakaura™ NEProgram ~ Subtle Energy Mastery
NEP: Naturo-Energy Program ~ 2 + Year Program – 550 Accredited Hours Per Year
Begins June 2025 - A Bilingual Program
In-person Live with Michèle & her Amazing Team!

YEAR 1 : Begins June and ends in November of each year. Classes in-person live, 2 consecutive days every second week for .
LOCATION: Hawkesbury, On (1 hour from Montreal and Ottawa)
NEP Graduates Share
ABOUT NEProgram- “YES, I CAN!“
The Advance NEProgram™ Master Doctorate is the most IN-powering and complete Self-Development Training Program you will ever encounter. A New Era Demands New Tools, New Knowledge, Transformative Training, & Healthier Daily practices based on scientific protocols and safety standards of the highest caliber.
Discover the Science of your inner world and how it relates to the world around you. Spirituality, beyond what is out there, has a higher science and we share that knowledge with you. Learn the physics of your inner processes and the energies involved and apply this knowledge to master all your senses and stress. WE are Energy Beings and as such, we must learn to manage these energies that create our stress, to be able to create the life we wish to live . . .“It’s a life-changing experience!”
Advance NEProgram™ Master Doctorate in Subtle Energy management compliments and enhances any previous training. This program is for everyone wishing to have a better understanding of what is going on ‘behind the scenes’ in the subtle energies (emotions, thoughts, feelings) that determine the happenings in and around them and how this is affecting their health.
In fact, we have trained doctors, nurses, and various other types of allopathic healthcare providers and each one has testified that it has brought their practice of medicine to a whole new higher level they could not have ever imagined possible!
But this training is for everyone for it is, first and foremost, the highest level of self-development training offered to the collective, you, as a person, could ever hope to participate in. Guaranteed!
Which dimension of reality do you wish to live? It’s easy to shift around from one to the another. . you just need to be taught how. . . it’s all in the quality and type of energy you focus within. . . your Chakaura Power is the Key!” ~Teacher
This is first and foremost a SELF-CARE oriented program and one of the most sought after SELF-DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS in the world bringing you to manifest your best self with the possibility of becoming a professional Chakaura™ Therapist and Practitioner.
Mastering Subtle Energies on all levels in and around you!
What makes Chakaura Trainings so Special? Our Chakaura Protocols!
The Chakaura Protocols for the highest safety standards for subtle energy treatment and management; our protocols positively enhance your focus by eliminating negative and energy draining influences.
The tools which are taught and practiced daily, will guide the students into mastering the physical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual and Chakaura™ Structural Soul energies.
Students begin to understand the Chakaura™ Structure, its Power and its role in health and in creating all of life’s experiences. Chakaura™ teaches comprehensive information of the anatomy of the Biofield ( ENERGY BODY) on a physical level as well as a structural energetic level, sharing the various energetic structures associated with the various dimensions of expression of a person, up to the soul. The Chakaura protocols inherent to these and therapies, both therapeutic and supportive.
One of the most Advanced Self-Development Accredited Professional Training of its kind in the world.
Chakaura teaches you the channels that create miracles!
Subtle Energy Management & Training Like no Other!
The goal is to teach students to recognize as well as determine the cause of imbalances and problems affecting the energetic system creating ill health, stress issues, disease or unhappiness, inability to function normally and more with the capacity to then make the necessary energetic adjustments to return the person to health and all within a therapeutic structured setting surrounded by Chakaura™ safety standards and protocols; that which makes us unique, highly effective and structured.
WE teach the methods and the protocols that are so needed and often missing in these types of programs. The student has a first-hand experience of the techniques we teach and hands on practice & approach.
It is the most complete and advanced training in this type of holistic health and continues to be the most comprehensive and inclusive program in the field of energy medicine with natural supportive alternative health modalities grounded on science of the Chakaura Structure.
Professional therapist training and in-depth approach towards greater self-knowledge and the use of one’s subtle abilities.
The role of better managing your Stress in creating a better way of life!
STRESS; an energy bi-product of emotions.
STRESS & TENSION: …releasing negative stress build-ups and back-ups creating tension in the body. In so doing, this naturally stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Nothing heals us but our Chakaura Inner Power; once you know how to manage that energy, by releasing the stuck energy of stress blocking your natural healing power, , nothing is beyond your grasp to create in your life and that, is where, MIRACLES OCCUR!
One of a Kind!
We Guarantee It!
"Yes, I Can!"

Advance NEProgram Master Doctorate Program Curriculum
Our Professional Training Includes topics such as:
- The Higher Science of your Chakaura Power and its methodologies
- Self-healing, you are your own best healer; the how and why.
- Stress Energy: everything you need to know about it and why it is so important.
- Harmonizing all elements of the body; its science
- Chakaura™Protocols of energy exchange
- Chakaura Polarity Therapy
- Meta-medicine as a voice of the Soul
- Languages the Soul speaks to us by
- CHAKAURA™ Structural Balancing
Physical, Emotional & Soul Anatomy - Centering, Grounding and Presence
- Development and Mastery of Your SuperPowers
- Intuition
- Empathy
- Self Healing
- How to raise your vibration, when and why
- The Healer Within Everyone: Why, How and When
- Homeostasis & The Healing Crisis
- X-Ray Vision for Medical Intuitive Guidance
- Mindfulness, Self-awareness
- Managing Energy Vampires Without Conflict
- EARTHING: Shamanic Techniques and Medicines of the Earth
- Inner Yoga; a lost practice
- Language of your Inner world; the Muse, Your Soul
- Cosmic versus Telluric modalities; what and why
- The role of your EGO in life and experiences; Its anatomy and tools to master it to serve you instead of you serving it.
- Reflexology
- Personal Development Without Suffering
- Homeopathy
- Herbology
- Incorporating Energy Healing Within the Allopathic Everyday System
- Acupressure
- Kinesiology
- Yin & Yang: the Science of the Universe
- The Elements and their role in managing your stress energy
- The Science of Higher worlds and their dimensions of reality
- Recognizing and releasing negative bindings and imprints
- The role of the Sacred Feminine in everyone that heals us: the why and how
- The function and connection of the brain and the mind and breaking the myth of where these connect.
- Transfers of energy & more…
Monique Laplante, Student, BTG
You will learn various centering techniques to support, whatever needs you or a client may have for perfect health.
Below are some of the subjects and natural sciences that will be studied for application on a daily basis in your life or in a clinical atmosphere.
Decoding and understanding your perceptions and developing your more subtle sensory capacities.
Reception and transmission of energy. The recognition of the various types of energy and their specific uses and applications.
Various meditation techniques ( many from closed initiate training) to develop and master your subtle senses and psycho-therapeutic, psycho-corporal, and personal growth practices.
- self-mastery and treatment of your personal bio-field followed by therapeutic application
- training in Polarity therapy; an in-depth study of how the 5 body elements of life are responsible for health,
- application of various modules, techniques, and practices to reinstate balance and support healing
- safe and proper therapeutic settings and procedures. Codes of ethics surrounding Naturotherapy.
- human psychology; support systems and interviewing techniques.
- energy bindings, cords or limitations such as mental programming’s. How they are created, how they affect you and how to manage them.
(Can be applied within a clinical setting in a professional capacity.)
- How to recognize STRESS and ways to release this energy.
- A detailed study of the anatomy and functions of the physical body and the energy.
- Body including the chakras and the anatomy of the Soul. How they are related and function together as one unit.
- Other various modalities and how they are of the One.
(that can then be applied within a clinical setting in a professional capacity)
- Kinesiology techniques
- Callahan Techniques (to liberate the negative impact of emotions)
- RLT ( relationship liberating techniques)
- Energy Management Techniques, Exercises
- Other studies and applications within a clinical therapeutic setting
- Herbology \ wildcrafting \ tincturing \ teas and infusions
- Basic introductory into natural remedies such as tinctures, teas, herbs to support healing in a therapeutic setting.
- Homeopathy, Oligotherapy, Gemnotherapy, Phytotherapy, etc. in healing applications.
- Hydrotherapy – The healing power of water and various healing techniques using water.
- Aromatherapy natural essential oils and use of in a therapeutic setting.
- Metamedicine – A diagnostic tool into the nature of physical ailments and what mental programmings may tied to physical and mental imbalances.
- How to recognize these and ways to release them.
- Energetic Nutrition, Lifestyle
- Various Aborignal teachings as well as practices such as smudging and ceremony and how they relate to health.
This program is offered once a year, please inquire for when our next program will begin.
Every second week in-class training: Hours: 8am – 5pm
Year 1 of 2: Intensive training lasting nearly 6 months of teachings, practices and in-house applications. Divided into session of 2 days with zoom online classes.
Year 1: Totalling a accreditation of 550 hours a year available upon completion within our Association criteria as a Chakaura™ Therapist .
Year 2: Similar to year 1, dates determined closer to start time once class availability is confirmed.