Bridge The Gap Program
The World Top Subtle Energy Management Program
Level 1
Bridging the Gap Between
Your Outer and Inner Worlds
Begin an intimate relationship with your Chakaura Soul Power!
Chakaura™ Power Your Life!
BE IN CONTROL of your Body, Emotions, & MIND!
The Journey of Transformation, Creation, Success and Staying Healthy begins with you, the Individual. Learn how to DIRECT the Energies of your Life force, your Super Power, Your Soul…!
Tap into and master your CHAKAURA POWER!

Master the Subtle Energies of Your Mind and Your Body and Shift your Life!
Our unique Training programs have a 100% Success Rate for all those who follow the program to completion and practice the daily short exercises.
We also have a 99.99% completion Rate!
This is a stunning rate of success supporting the well-being of all participants both professionally and personally.
Success in all aspects of your life is based upon the quality of energy you tap into to activate your life into action!
Limited Participants - ONLINE LIVE In-Person
Sessions Begin First Week Each Month!

This course is suited to ANYONE
- Executives, Entrepreneurs, Artists
- Parents, Family members,
- Couples
- Healthcare Workers
- Seniors & Children
Some of the many results:
- More Balance and Presence
- Better Communication & Productivity
- Better Parenting & Relationship
- Reactive, Healthier Better Sleep
- Clarity, Focus, Grounded
- Less to NO STRESS

ONLINE LIVE with Michèle.
*40 Minute Classes with a 10-minute twice daily practice.
*6-week course with support throughout the course.
*Twice Daily 10 minute practice
INTERACTIVE – Daily practice integrated over 35 days that you can do for the rest of your life to help bring more balance and vitality!
Have questions about the program?
Schedule a consultation call for 15 min at $50.00 or 45 to 60 min. for $ 150.00
100% Success Rate - Our participants report positive shifts from physical to emotional to mental and spiritual.

Bridge The Gap
Specialized Training
This BTG Specialized Training Program for energy and stress management is designed to meet your unique needs based on your specific challenges and goals. The process starts with a consultation with one of our Chakaura™ health specialists. Using your responses to a detailed questionnaire about your target needs, we create a training program tailored to your objectives, the needs of your employees, your students, or your specific activity. This program is grounded in the Bridge The Gap techniques for energy and stress management. Whether you need support with time scheduling, staying on-task, meeting deadlines, managing emotions, nutritional support, or NSDS issues, we will develop a customized training program that addresses your specific goals and needs.
To participate in the DIRECT Program you must fill out a Health Assessment and Consultation form prior to your scheduled call with Jennifer Blake, our Director of Public Relations and Education.
To schedule a time now, please follow the link below. There is a $50.00 initial consultation call for 15 min., credit will be applied to your Direct program once approved and sign-up within 7 days of your consultation.