Chakaura by Michele

Structural-Balancing Therapy

Chakaura™ Structural-Balancing Therapy - 6 Week Process

What is it?  What can it do? When is it needed?

At a time when modern technology, environmental pollution, poor diet, and stress play a significant role in the degradation of health, a Naturopathic Chakaura™ Energy approach to health is of considerable importance.

The life force of all living things we, at Chakaura™, describe as your Chakaura Power, is vitalizing and your self-healing Energy coming to your physical body down from your Chakaura Structure, some ancient traditions describe as the house of your Soul. The quality of this life force, the quantity of energy, and the power of your connection determine many things like:

#1. How you can combat disease

#2. How strong will be your immune system.

#3. How easily you are able to change your mindsets,

#4. How fast will you heal and to what extent and from what.

#5. Your ability to raise your vibrations.

#6. Happy, healthy, and abundant life and more.


Your Chakaura™ is the main frame brain upon which all DNA and life processes get direction from. When life circumstances such as trauma, accidents, mis-aligned thinking and more get in our way, we begin to short circuit energetically and this poor circuitry and your connection to its power (your life force source) begins to falter, hence you become unhealthy, you become dis-oriented and lost in life. The many side effects of a Chakaura™ Structural imbalance and disconnect are numerous.

Chakaura Structural Balancing

Now, through Michèle’s unusual abilities and her Soul Purpose, she was given a name to something that till now was unnameable: Your Chakaura™, its Structure, Its power and its importance in life. The Chakaura structure lies above the well known East Indian teachings of the nadis and chakra system, and meridians and in fact is the blueprint of these systems, the origins of all your energetic system right down to your physical DNA blueprint. It carries all your codes from the inception of your Soul to this day.


The health of Your Chakaura structure is crucial for you to be able to have no limits to creating the life you wish or are meant to create. Your connection to your Chakaura Energy, its Power which is responsible for the level of vital life force you can access must be untethered, unbound and free to flow. Your connection to your Chakaura must be balanced in all parts of your body since it is directly responsible for your quality of health, quality of life, mental and emotional attitude, and your sense of well-being, your ability to be centered, grounded, self-aware, happy and create success in life.


There are varying degrees of Chakaura™ Structural-Imbalances that can occur throughout your life. Each loss is serious since it slowly cuts you off from your vitality, your source of life force. Your Chakaura connection is the groundwork patterning of who you are and how you function and respond to life.

$ 50.00 consult fee for 15 min. applies and will be deducted from the total of the package that you select or up to 60 minutes for $ 150.00.

How Do You Suffer a Chakaura Structural Imbalance?

As an individual, you are unique and a traumatic event will create Chakaura Structural and Power loss in one person while it may not in another. Everyone has their own way of reacting to life events and is part of their mindset and imprinting. At Chakaura™ Institute, our Chakaura™ practitioners spend years studying to be able to determine the health of your Chakaura™ structure. Often,

  • traumatic life experiences,
  • accidents,
  • acute or prolonged stress,
  • bad habits,
  • addictions,

mis-aligned ways of thinking and repeated toxic behaviors will affect, weaken or deaden the energetic pathways of your Chakaura Structure that brings the life force vitality to your physical body. This results in low energy, “running out of steam” and you use up your CHI, your physical energy, which can cause you to become greatly ill-affected.


Many imbalances happen when we do not have enough energy to supply our actions, such as we become ill, susceptible to disease, our mind doesn’t work probably, we have difficulty concentrating or staying on task, we get fatigued faster, we lose interest in life and lack the energy to do those things we wish to. Parts of you as an individual will begin to shut down, malfunction or simply will no longer be accessible.


These structural losses can happen suddenly or can be cumulative due to chronic or oppressive situations. Each person is unique, like their fingerprint

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The Results of a Chakaura Structural Imbalance

Considered to be in most cases permanent and irreversible, till now, the Chakaura structure has been ill-affected; that the vital life forces have been cut off from flowing in certain parts of your body, the damage done is considered to be in most cases permanent and irreversible till now with the treatments of our proprietorial Chakaura™ Therapies.


It determines how much energy you can access to fuel the way you think, what you are able to let go, shift, or change, and to what degree. Everything you do is controlled by the quality, quantity, and type of energy you fuel your life activities with.




“The key is knowing that maximizing your Chakaura Structural connection to your physical body will also maximize the results in everything and anything you put your mind to do or create.” Michèle

 “Chakaura gave me hope that I could get well & that there is more to healing then I could ever imagine! Thanks to the Chakaura team for being so encouraging, supportive & heartful!”  -
Chakaura Clinic Structural Balancing
Chakaura Client
 “The Chakaura Structural Balancing has empowered me in ways I could never describe in a few words. It is experiential and if a person wishes to embrace true change in their life, this is the first step. Old issues I have been carrying for years dissolved as if they never existed; old traumas surfaced and finally healed. So many wonderful gifts have been given to me from this treatment. I can only say everyone needs to experience this at least once in their life!”
Chakaura Clinic Structural Balancing

Possible Signs of Chakaura Structural Imbalance
Case Study

Chakaura Structural Balancing Spine

The physical body follows energy and uses energy to maintain its structural integrity. Where there is an energy loss or imbalance, the body weakens and its physical structure begins to break down as shown in the image below.


This subject has a curvature of the spine. They think and feel that they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. This mindset, in time if continually repeated, becomes a subconscious driving force that shifts their Chakaura energy to their back shoulders area to sustain this belief now part of their subconscious reasoning, thus creating an energetic lack in its opposite pole, the front, and in time causing a hunching posture. This is just one reason for what we term a “hunchback posture.

Listed below are some possible signs of Chakaura structural imbalance or and loss:

If you feel you are suffering from a Chakaura Structural-Balancing imbalance or soul loss, please schedule a introductory consultation to talk about, learn more, or to schedule go right ahead and book your Chakaura Structural-Balancing Therapy process! Remember, this therapy must be “in Person” so you will have to come to one of our clinics to receive this amazing life shifting experience! Or maybe you are many that wish to experience this? Then if so and you are willing to host us, we can come to you!

What a Chakaura Structural-Balancing Therapy
Can Do For You and Your Health.

The potential to alleviate many of the symptoms and problems you may be experiencing due to loss of Your Chakaura Structure connection and its Powerful energy.


It has been shown to help slow or stop the further development of existing imbalances such as disease or illness in an individual.


The ability for increasing energy, creativity,  concentration; physical or mental issues can dissipate, lessen and even disappear.

Small fee applies

People have reported a return of talents and creative forces that had suddenly disappeared as if taken from them. Clients have reported that skeletal & posture related problems they had been treating for years, suddenly disappeared, or started to miraculously heal at an unprecedented speed after a Chakaura Structural Balancing process. Their practitioners could not understand why the sudden amazing major positive shifts all of a sudden in their health.


This is an extremely IN-Powering and powerful experience, which sustains those who have a will to move forward in their life and ‘Let Go ‘ of unnecessary dis-empowering bonds, mental and behavioral programming’s as well as unhealthy physical habits.

 “I was skeptical since the world of energy is not familiar to me but the Chakaura™ team offers such a grounded approach that I was very comfortable with trying something so new. The results have astounded me and I am now a believer in the power of healing with Chakaura™ therapies!”



A Chakaura™ Structural-Balancing® Therapy takes only a few hours to perform and can begin to restore health and normal functioning associated with the structural depletion or shut down. It offers positive change in the physical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual aspects of a person’s life.


The therapy RESULTS continue to reverberate and create change for 4 to 6 weeks after the actual therapy session itself (this therapy can only be done in-person contrary to others Chakaura™ therapies that can be performed at a distance) as all parts of your being metamorphosis’ into a whole balanced state once again. It will then continue to impact your life in a very positive way for a minimum of one year and in many cases more. IT is why we can only ever offer this amazing life-shifting process once a year.


If you feel you are suffering from a Chakaura Structural-Balancing imbalance or soul loss, please schedule a introductory consultation to talk about, learn more, or to schedule go right ahead and book your Chakaura Structural-Balancing Therapy process!

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