Chakaura by Michele

ChakauraTM Power Your Life!

To Transform, Create and Heal
with Michèle C. St. Amour

DISCOVER the Greatest Power Within You;
Your Chakaura Power Energizes you to do EVERYTHING BETTER

Chakaura is the higher science of well being and higher
self-awareness you have been searching for . . .

Your Chakaura Power to In-Power yourself, your relationships, your career, and your health. Learn how to live your best life with an abundance of energy to spare! "From the soul, through the mind into the body."

It's Time To Be Chakaura In-Powered!

Michèle shares: “ The world must shift their lens of perception in understanding that everything is a form of energy that we must learn to manage daily, in all aspects of our lives. For example, Love is not an emotion, and that is where people go off track. It is the most powerful ENERGY manifested here on earth, that creates the most powerful feelings and life experiences, we could ever imagine. Discovering, directing, manifesting, and mastering this Chakaura Power, is the higher knowledge and the higher science the world now seeks. We are finally here; it is time to Chakaura IN-Power Your Life in ways you could not imagine and I am here to share that knowledge with you!

Michèle’s Chakaura™ programs and services transform every aspect of your life by teaching you the how, why, and where of this universal Chakaura Power; the Energy of Life!  Chakaura™ is more than a methodology, it is experiential; you must experience it to know it.

Chakaura™ is a way of life that grounds us in our humanity and grounds a Higher Power within all areas of our lives. Michèle teaches the progressive, Higher Sciences of well-being as she shares unusual knowledge and techniques on how to tap into that energy, your Chakaura Power, to create the life you want to live.

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“Chakaura power helps you with everything and anything you need to improve in any area of your life!”

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Chakaura are the Experts in Stress and Energy Management the World has Been Waiting For!

STRESS can have a positive or negative impact on your health and your life! We, at Chakaura™, are the energy management experts. Learn how to better manage your stress.

It is a well-known fact that STRESS can positively or negatively impact your health and your life! We, at Chakaura™, are the energy management experts and we can guide you in recognizing the difference between the two; creating from the positive and releasing the negative energy of stress so it no longer affects you.

We answer questions such as: So where does stress go? What is stress? How do you know when positive stress turns negative on you? What is the difference between positive stress and negative stress? How do you create more positive stress and eliminate negative stress? Ultimately, stress is simply an energy you must learn to manage.

At Chakaura™, we teach you how to easily and simply manifest and create your life using the Power of your Chakaura; The Love Energy! Curious?

        • 90% of all our ills and personal issues are grounded on mismanaged stress energy!
        • Our Chakaura™ Training Programs and Clinical Support Therapies help you relieve the negative side effects of mismanaged stress, such as tension, anxiety, burn-out, fatigue, and even illness, and make room to embrace more positive love energy into your life.

"Everything is About Energy!" - Einstein
"Everything is About Energy but not just any Energy!" ~ Michèle

Your Chakaura Power, it’s Energy . . .

is the foundational grounding force of every aspect of your life; It fuels the roles you play, all your actions, the ideas that you live by, as well as determining the quality of the health of your Body, Mind and Soul.

Chakaura is for anyone asking themselves,

      • How do I change my life situation?
      • Why do I keep repeating the same patterns?
      • How can I make the necessary changes I know I should?
      • Want to be part of a group of high-vibe like-minded people?
      • Looking for a more progressive approach to life’s challenges?
Chakaura Tribe Group

Join Chakaura™ Tribe For FREE

Explore what Chakaura™ can do for you!

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Chakaura Awakening The Muse
The Sacred Journey of a Modern-Day Mystic

A story of Awakening: based on my story but also on the reader’s story, and the story of anyone journeying into awakening the Power of their Chakaura, their soul energy, their Muse power. A story full of adventures and experiences when a person begins the journey of transforming their lives into becoming a superpower being.

Alongside her clairvoyance, prophetic insights, and healing abilities, Angelina encounters enlightening mentors, totemic creatures, and spiritual entities.

Embark on Angelina’s odyssey and uncover profound insights into the fabric of reality that resonate with us all.

Michele and Book
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One Energy, One Simple and Easy Path
to Master Every Area of Your Life!

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Move Beyond Feeling to Being! Where Lasting Self In-Powerment & Healing Takes Place!

Is the Chakaura 4 Steps for YOU?

Are you asking yourself, “What comes next?” Have you experienced or felt any of these:

Curious About Chakaura

Chakaura is for everyone seeking A DEEPER understanding of what creates their daily life experiences and wants to learn how to better manage and improve these.

Discover your Chakaura Power, an unlimited source of energy fuelling all your daily energy needs. Everything is energy, but the type of energy you use is key to:

Discover Ways To InPower Your Life

The Chakaura™ DISCOVER Step 1 offers you a unique opportunity to become a DISCOVER subscriber; a Self-Paced and Self Accountable first step to experiencing your Chakaura™ Power and begin experiencing more of the Energy of Love in your life. A foundation that will guide you through the remaining steps to better your life in all areas. Get a taste of the unlimited potential that tapping into your Chakaura Power can bring to your life with DISCOVER!

As a member of the Chakaura™ Discover receive the following:

Chakaura Discover: The Gift Daily Centering
Super Power Your Life Destination Happiness
New Chakaura Musing Planner Chakaura Discover

The Science of Chakaura Power
in Your Life!

Grounded on a higher science of the highest power source here on earth: Your Chakaura Power.

It starts here with our Monthly Subscription to Chakaura Discover Program. Sign up now and let the world Energy Management Specialists at Chakaura™ support and guide you on your journey of embracing AN UNLIMITED SOURCE OF ENERGY into your Life each and every day.

Living the Chakaura™ Way

Chakaura™ Naturopathic - Energy Health & Wellness Clinic

Speak with a live Chakaura™ Specialist, book a consult now.

Chakaura™ Education & Programs

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What do you need support with...

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  • Are you suffering and stressed with health issues like anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental blocks?
  • Experiencing troubles with relationships; marriage, kids, self-relationship?
  • Maybe you are struggling with your energy levels and how to manage it.
  • Are you at a turning point and seeking entrance to transformative programs?
  • Are you interested in progressive education about energy and your inner world?

Are you ready for programs that facilitate reintegration in a grounded scientific approach that connects you to the higher energies of Life?

Get Started Today

Get away from the victim-martyr mentality.

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Beautiful Souls Share

“The energy that Michèle has supported me in, being there for me, giving me the tools and techniques to move through some of my challenges; my friends, my family, me most especially, have felt the change and I cannot thank Michèle enough for what she has done.. Nothing else worked, to the point I was ok and I was getting through the day..but now I am waking up, can’t wait for the day to start…”. I am not judging myself or beating myself up but seeing the beauty in the world.."
Myra Sullivan
Myra Sullivan
Chakaura Program Student & Private Retreat Client 2023-24
"This program has helped me with my anxiety, depression, and has made me a better person. I have seen an incredible increase in my confidence, my ability to speak openly. This program greatly, GREATLY helped me."
William Blake
William Blake
15 yrs. old
Navan, Ontario, Canada, Student
“In our first meeting, Michèle assisted me in balancing my Chakaura™ energies so that I could become aware of interactions with people in my life that were creating a "drain" on me. l took Michèle's workshop where she taught simple energy management techniques. I learned how to control my Chakaura™ energy in different situations and to protect myself from the people places and things that drained my battery and left me feeling depleted.” Michèle has this wonderful way of saying something without saying it…she provides this beautiful mirror for you to look at yourself, there are teachings and their are tools but she is not going to tell you what to do, she simply guides you down this path of light and lets you decide what is best for you. It is this profound way of you finding what you need to do without someone just telling you…"
Warren Phipps
Chakaura™ Programs & Chakaura Awaken Your Muse Retreat Participant

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Musing with Michèle; the Chakaura Way of Life

Michèle shares her insight, stories, and more in Musing with Michèle.

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