Chakaura™ SEE Project & Conscious Living Community 

(Sustainable Eco-Wellness Educational) Project Initiatives


The ChakauraSEE with Michèle Tortuga Project

Chakaura SEE by Michèle

Tortuga Project


Journey with Gilles and Michèle St.Amour, on one of their many Sea Turtle Rescues, releases and educational seminars which are all part fo their Chakaura™ SEE (Sustainable EcoWellness Educational) projects Initiatives.

This is Part 1 (rescue) of 2 ( release) of many humanitarian adventures helping us become better people and living in balance with our Mother Earth.

Michele is a trained Aboriginal Medicine Woman trained in North American and Mayan traditions. She is also founder and director of the Chakaura™ Institute of Soul; the only one of its kind in the world…Come and learn why!!

The ChakauraSEE with Michèle Dolphin Heal Project

Michèle Works with Dolphins

Part 1 of 3

Join Michèle C. St.Amour, Author, Teacher of Teachgers and Earth Whisperer as she is hosted by Dolphin Expert, communicator Alejandra at the dolphinarium in Mexico working with the amazing energy of Dolphins.

Michèle Works with Dolphins

Part 2 of 3

Join Michèle C. St.Amour, Author, Teacher of Teachgers and Earth Whisperer as she is hosted by Dolphin Expert, communicator Alejandra at the dolphinarium in Mexico working with the amazing energy of Dolphins.

Michèle Works with Dolphins

Part 3 of 3

Join Michèle C. St.Amour, Author, Teacher of Teachgers and Earth Whisperer as she is hosted by Dolphin Expert, communicator Alejandra at the dolphinarium in Mexico working with the amazing energy of Dolphins.

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We are building a community of like-minded individuals wanting to create a better world. Change begins with the individual creating a resonance outwards. Our community living is grounded on a new mindset where ECO-WELLNESS AND ECO-LIVING ARE AT ITS foundation. 

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Partial proceeds from our Chakaura Power AWAKE Retreats are donated to the ChakauraSEE Initiatives Program.

Doing Something Amazing Each Day!


To know more about our project, or sponsor one of our many outreach programs,

please write to us at:

[email protected]

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