Chakaura™ Institute of S.O.U.L.

A Naturopathic-Energy Clinic & Educational Centre 

Bringing the Power of your Soul, Your Chakaura, Into your Life for Optimum Wellbeing


From the Soul – Through Your Mind – Into Your Body

Book a Chakaura™ Health Consultation Today!

To Book an Appointment for

A Chakaura™ Health Assessment

Email us at:

[email protected]


The office will get back to you within 24 to 72 hours.

In the meantime, you can begin your process by filling the following registration form:


Chakaura™ brings together traditional medical science with the understanding of important role of subtle energy mastery

promoting a rational grounded approach to achieving optimal health conditions.

The Chakaura Therapies that re-align your Chakaura™ Soul Body  to your physical body which maximizes your healing capacity.


Nothing in the physical worls heals us; nothing..not food, not medication, not plants, nothing..

What these things do is build up and support our energy, that which is the only thing to heal us.

There is 2 levels of energy that we teach about at Chakaura that fules your life.  

  1. Earthly craated energy (limited and dependant upon availability) which most people are aware of and work with
  2. Chakaura energy power; unlimited and the strongest energy on earth of which real healing can come from and of which creates miracles. 

By supporting and optimizing your Chakaura Connection and pathways to its energy, you maximize your potential to self-heal. 

The knowledge conveyed is supported by the latest research in Neuroscience, Neurocardiology, Epigenetics and more.

We treat the SOURCE cause. And that is what makes our modalities and programs so sought after around the world and so powerfully successful.

What is only Unique to Chakaura™; Our Signature Chakaura™ Therapies!

Some Common Questions People ask:

What Your Chakaura™ is all about!

Get in Touch

email us at:

[email protected]


Wed – Sat— by appointment only

Sunday — Tuesday – Closed


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