Chakaura by Michele

Chakaura Clinical Service Packages

The Health of your Chakaura is Everything!

Chakaura™ Clinical Service Packages is the place where miracles happen! A miracle can only be created when your SOUL Power gets activated; when your Chakaura Structure is balanced and your physical Body is filled with healing vital life force.


A Chakaura™ therapy takes only a few hours to perform and can begin to restore health and normal functioning associated with the a structural depletion or shutdown. Some reported results are: renewed energy, feeling lighter and free, more flexibility, some have instant healing from health issues, are sleeping better, have developed an ability to shift their life, and change their way of thinking that would not change in past.


These are but a few of hundreds of possible results from receiving a Chakaura™ Therapy.


Chakaura™ brings Soul back to health in a world where we have forgotten who we are and where truly comes our power to be healthy, alive and to Self-Heal!


A Chakaura™ Therapy offers positive change in the physical, mental, and emotional, as well as, spiritual aspects of a person’s life.


A Chakaura™ therapy itself will continue to reverberate and create change for days and weeks after the actual therapy session itself. We have even seen with certain treatments lifetime shifts occur.

"Chakaura is the space where miracles happen! A miracle can only be created when your SOUL Power gets activated; your Chakaura Structure is balanced and your physical Body is filled with vital life force."
- Michèle

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Discover Our Chakaura Therapy Packages

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Canada Clinic Availability
Mexico Clinic Availability

Discovery Consultation Call

Discover the best Chakaura™ service for your needs with a Chakaura Specialist. Learn about our unique programs, therapies, events, retreats and have your general questions answered during a private, live online consultation. Pre-questionnaire required 72 hours in advance.


For more information or to schedule now click the button below.

Small fee applies.

Discover Consultation with A Chakaura Specialist
1 on 1 Clinic Session

Health Consultation at Our Clinic

Ready to book a session?


Chakaura™ is a unique Natural Health Centre where we do not see you as a separate being but as one WHOLE BEING living in various dimensions of reality with a Body, a Mind, and a Soul.


You can schedule Chakaura™ Health Consultation today. There is a brief health questionnaire required before your consultation.  You will be directed to this after payment.

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Consultations and Assessments Services

Consultation fees will apply to your therapy package when you enroll within 7 days of your consult.

Virtual Chakaura Health
Self-Help Assessment

Our Budget-Friendly Option for Busy Individuals!


Simply complete our online questionnaire, and you’ll receive a detailed prognosis and personalized recommendations via email within 3-7 days, depending on availability.


Schedule yours today!

Exploratory Chakaura
Clinical Assessment

Let us create a personalized Holistic Action Plan on a 20 – 30 minute live virtual session with our Insightful perspectives, on the events and experiences playing out in your life. Compassionate effective guidance to assist you in better managing the challenges in your life. Guidance, Assessment and Recommendations from a Chakaura Practitioner or Michèle herself, upon availability. These sessions are a great way to begin your journey of Self-Discover with us. Answering a preliminary online questionnaire is needed for us to best serve your needs.

For more in-depth personal support:

Advanced Chakaura Structural Assessment

Go deeper, get more support with our advanced in-depth Chakaura Health and Structural Assessment Virtual Online session.


Experience a personalized Chakaura Health Consultation & Assessment with a certified Chakaura practitioner or Michèle herself upon availability. Get deep insights, guidance, and recommendations into why and how your Chakaura structure alignment can be maximized so you may achieve your next best whether it be in health, or elevating your daily energy needs, need extra support for stress management and a health issue or you may just be feeling a deep spiritual longing to connect to something deeper within you like more purpose in your life.


Receive tailored recommendations during a 45-60 minute live Zoom session. The journey begins with a pre-questionnaire required 72 hours in advance.

An Exclusive Consultation by Michèle:

Medical Intuitive Consultation & Chakaura Assessment with Michèle

With over 30 years experience with this service, Michèle offers a deeper understanding of the underlying energies creating experiences in your life, Michèle gains deep insights with her highly developed intuitive senses and sight to help you IN-Power yourself in all areas of your life. She offers her services in an informal conversational style of consulting where you feel at ease and safe knowing she has a deep empathy for all living beings. She often educates her clients on the unknown science behind the scenes that help you better understanding some of the happenings in your life.

Michèle, being a highly gifted Seer with unusual abilities to see hidden meanings, has the unique ability to SEE a deeper level of themselves, where they are at in that moment on that journey and hence from this perspective, can guide them to become the best they can be! Often negative imprints will disappear after a session such as this and the person feels lighter and more positive facing their challenges. These sessions always ends with a blessing of grace.

Chakaura is more then a methodology, it is experiential and a way of life grounded (fueled) on your unlimited Soul Power: Your Chakaura

Chakaura Clinical Therapy Packages

Don't Miss this Information

– Initial consultation to review your questionnaire and gather more in-depth details if needed.
– Together, decide on the most suitable Action Plan to serve your goals.
– Recommendations may include clinical therapy or registration for other supporting services.
– Chakaura Specialist may suggest self-care methods like stress energy management programs to reduce stress, harm, toxicity, and destructiveness in your life.
– Mind-calming activities may be shared to promote restful moments, reduce stress, and improve sleep patterns.
– Suggestions may include healthy nutrition, lifestyle habits, and exercises tailored to your specific health needs.


**Therapy Session Overview:**


– Sessions take place on a therapy table, similar to a massage table.
– You’ll be asked to wear light-colored undergarments to enhance stress and energy blockage release.
– Non-invasive therapies that may lead to a deep meditative state or sleep.
– Sessions last between 30 to 60 minutes.
– Practitioner will provide further explanations during your visit.
– You will receive a “to do and avoid list” 24 hours prior and following the session to maximize positive results. 


Suggestions include:

– Avoid mood-altering substances 24 hours before and after the session.
– Change into fresh garments once home.
– If possible, shower and rest for the remainder of the day to incorporate the experience.
– Eat lightly and focus on your detoxified state of energy.

– Prevention is emphasized—removing toxic substances and situations from your lifestyle is recommended to avoid future health issues.



Health is about vitality, balance, and strengthening the life force, from the Soul, through the Mind, into the Body.

Chakaura™ Master Therapy with Michèle

This therapy with Michèle begins by releasing negative stress and tension from your body, unblocking your energy circuits while cleansing toxins, riding negative energetic connections, eliminating negative bindings or imprints, which supports you in re-aligning your thoughts in a positive manner, to then trigger your self-healing natural ability. This master therapy has been described by many as a soul healing therapy and it’s structure and its protocols of therapy is based on the higher science of healing and well-being Michèle teaches at the NEP Program Level; all grounded on Chakaura™ unique protocols to maximize your results. Participate in a live, in-person, or distance as part of your therapy session, to address your unique needs. Receive recommendations from a higher Purpose perspective.


Truly a life shifting experience like no other!

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Chakaura™ Structural-Balancing
Therapy at Clinic

One of the most In-Powering Therapies you can gift yourself with is offered in a beautiful supportive 6-week package. Chakaura acknowledges energy as a living and vital moving force that ascertains your experiences of health, happiness, and life. This Chakaura Structural Balancing Therapy targets the health of your Chakaura structure, its vital energy which directly determines the health of you, as a person, by maximizing your connection to its energies; Your Chakaura Power, which is what energizes you, heals you, and supports health and longevity. We support your body’s self-healing ability by activating your natural healing energies and your body’s natural nature to always seek homeostasis. A Chakaura therapy restores the energies of various energy pathways, also in the associated organs and all other levels of what makes you YOU, that may have become weak, disturbed, sluggish, broken, interrupted or out of balance. The imbalances are often due to an accident, a life experience, trauma, or something else that has the ability to cut you off or drain your vitality. We are the only clinic in the world offering this Chakaura Therapy; one of a kind all grounded on a higher science of well-being.


Read more about this life shifting therapy – Click Here.

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Chakaura™ Therapy 3-Week Package

At Chakaura, our practitioners are trained in multiple energy based therapy types combining stress and tensions relieving energy therapies with supportive modalities such as nutritional and lifestyle suggestions, supplementation, homeopathy, herbology, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy and more. They have the training and knowledge in supporting anything you wish to manifest in your life, whether it be physical health, self-healing mental/emotional issues, over-coming addictions, stress related issues, negative thought patterns or creating a deeper soul purpose connection.

This package offers a variety of therapies and support that together, your Chakaura practitioner and you, during the consultation phase, will decide as best for you to manifest your goals.


Get the Therapy Package that is right for you! This package is preceded by a virtual Live Consult.

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Additional Services Offered By Michèle

Ease the Passing

Soul Ease Crossing Over Product

Crossing Over with Ease and Sometimes Miracles!

Every Sunday Morning:

A Blessing of Grace
By Michèle

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