Chakaura by Michele

A World Awakening

The deeper mysteries of life - Initiation, a natural process

I have taught Chakaura™ initiate programs and been initiating people to the what Rudolph Steiner labels Higher Worlds  for many years. With a deep unusual understanding of this path, I wrote of this in my first novel Chakaura:Awakening the Muse understanding the world was headed for an unexpected universal awakening that I would offer guidance and support within.


I also understood early in my life the role I was to play in this spiritual r-evolution man was embarking on. The role of helping those that willed it to “Shift their focus to shift their life” so the path of suffering in most initiations recognized by all walks of life could be lessened or even eliminated. 

My message this time around as I have played this role of initiator for many lives in the past history of r-evolution is this;

Humanity is being offered the path of salvation in its greatest initiation to date, as the RETURN is now birthing its dimensions and frequencies into this your physical reality where matter and time are but illusions of an unaware mind.

Everything must now be reversed and flipped and this is reflected all around us in our physical reality. We are being asked to go from and outer awareness to an inner one; our polarities are flipping reflected in the reversal of polarity of Mother earth. Our focus, our poles are shifting as is those of Mother earth. 

What does this mean to you and your life?

You can only get those answers if you freely embark on the intiiate journey for these lie at the divide of experiential knwledge for it is kept in a place beyond your physical reality. Accessing this knowledge asks that you make the journey, the inner journey of embracing your soul in your daily life awareness and so hence in this soul consicousness may reveal itself to you. 

That is what spiritual initiations is all about; the Way, The gathering; your chakaura power; the importance of its structure in your body; how to nurture and embrace this power; take care of it; keep it and your body aligned and healthy. 

This is the secret; this is the Holy Grail of life this is the Philosopher’s Stone. This is in laymans terms what the ùbible, all holy scriots, masters and teachers have been talking about since the dawn of humanity in all its symbolism and fables. 

This is it…finally. 

The awakening has begun…there is no refusing it for refusal is a death wish. And sadly many are choosing this path for they are overwhelmed with the needs of their ego and must cease and desist to come back  at a later time. A huge exodus is upon us in the years to come that in itself is part of the livings initiations. This wll mark humnaity with a legacy we must recognize and appriciate and honor for the scarifuce of souls will be great.

To stay and shift, means living and experiencing your deeper ego fears at a much deeper level so in the end as I say better do what you can now then later. 

I was given this key and asked to present it to the world of the willing. so here we are smack dab in the beginning of our greatest initiation ever. 

To walk the initiate path is one of deep self contemplation, Self-realisation and shifting your focus so you can shigt your life.  there are many types of spiritual initiations in life that often are not even known about. Every life experience that brings you to focus your attention on your inner world, on shifting your ideas is in someways a type of initiation.

Some of the natural initiations a person is asked to go through happens from birth and then every 7 years of their life as a natural progrseeion of self-growth.  Some would avoid or skip some of these and so they carry the yoke of the unaccomplished. 

These be: Birth and death being the greatest initiations for a Soul

Puberty, adulthood where a person no longer depends on the parents; sexuality and committing longterm to a relationship while learning about your natural role within that polar untit. And, all the beauties and challenges in that; having children; raising a family and caring for that unit. And last but not least becoming an elder and playing the role of the wisdom keeper and teacher so generations may move forward in a natural way maintaining the wisdom of the ancestors in respect of what these accomplished and passed on. 

Some souls will follow the natural progression of life while others will not. That is the beauty of freewill to chose what one wishes to experience and to learn from these choices.

“For Freedom is the yoke of the soul and where we you no freedom, you lose soul.” Teacher

It is neither right or wrong wether we follow Nature’s recipe of natural self-growth, it just is the grounding forces of our life which in the end, create the unique Chakaura structures that is the grounding force of the experience we draw to ourselves here on earth.

The entire world is living through many initiations at this time asking that you step into a new conscious of reality, develop the ability to raise your awareness into higher energy vibrations, see more dimensions of life, once accessible only to mystics and sages.

When did this spiritual r-evolution begin to take momentum?

This global experience gained momentum with the Industrial Age, its technology turning fiction into fact, transforming yesterday’s magic into today’s science.  The mysterious, mystical inner world, with all of its latent spiritual forces, has become more common knowledge. As humanity’s knowledge of itself and its universe expands, its awareness inches ever closer to the Creator’s unwavering science, a science beyond the linear laws of time and space governed by laws of matter.

The initiate quest, the seeking of Truth, is a journey of transitioning from man’s laws to God’s. An initiate comes to first experience then know this Truth in its purest state. Initiations are spiritual by nature, rites of passage synonymous with new beginnings, newness, mentored training, and transformation through the path of awakening the muse.

In my Book Chakaura: Awakening the Muse, the main character Angelina shares the stories of her Awakening that many today can relate to. A novel full of exciting and fun adventures as she delves into worlds of magic, learns to manage the many super powers of this awakening and accepting the naturalness of these mystical experiences. She puts a grounded perspective on events and on the initiate journey offering a  much needed spiritual compass of grounded guidance and knowledge for today’s challenges as the world awakens. 

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