Chakaura by Michele

Chakaura Institute of S.O.U.L.

Chakaura™ Clinical Centre

A Naturopathic-Subte Energy & Stress Management Clinic & Educational Centre.

Bringing the Power of your Chakaura, Into your Life for Optimum Well-Being.

Maximize your daily energy output levels to Create, Transform and Heal.

Chakaura™ Clinic Locations

Canada Clinic is open Year Round

Mexico Clinic is open:
December 1 - May 1

We offer ONLINE Live Clinical Services, Consults, Assessments
and Chakaura™ Energy Therapies.

Chakaura brings Soul back to health in Life.


Chakaura is one of a kind. Chakaura™ is the next divide for taking control of your life and your experiences. The Chakaura™ Institute teaches you how implementing and maintaining a healthy subtle energy system, and a Chakaura Structural connection while properly managing your subtle energies and eliminating negative stress with our Chakaura™ Energy Therapies and Techniques, is the key to long life, health and better managing the negative stressors in your life.


Chakaura Ethics & Protocols Unique to Us


Our Chakaura™ ethics and protocols on managing subtle energy is grounded on a little known higher science of Transformation, of Well-being, taught by Michèle, our founder and director. This advanced science of subtle energy grounds our services and training programs which naturally supports optimum results. This Chakaura™ approach naturally stimulates your innate ability to heal at levels mostly unknown, often referred to as miraculous.

Results from our Chakaura Training increases your daily energy output, teaches you progressive energy and stress management skills so you may embrace higher levels of energy and health minute by minute, day by day.

Mexico Chakaura Clinic Entry
How healthy is your Chakaura Connection?
Small fee applies.

Have a question? Send us an email:

Ready to book?

Self-Healing is one of your natural inherent abilities, that many have forgotten about! Michèle, through the Chakaura services and programs reconnects us to that inner part of us in a deeper and clearer way.  With a full Chakaura Energy connection, though a balanced Chakaura Body structural alignment, you connect to your Chakaura Power, where your self-healing energy stems from, and hence you maximize creating with this energy the life you are meant to live! Your Daily Energy levels sky-rocket that governs your health; all managed by the health of your connection to your Chakaura Structure and hence its Power Source; your Life Force Energy Source, the Energy of Love.


Increase you Chakaura energy input, increase your health, your vitality and your ability to create, take action and heal.

At a time when modern technology, environmental pollution, poor diet, and more importantly, when stress plays a significant role in the degradation of our health, a Chakaura™ mind approach to health and healing is the answer to a new way of being in life.

The Chakaura™ Institute of the S.O.U.L. clinical Centre brings together traditional medical science with a progressive understanding of the important role of managing YOUR STRESS and Your ENERGY differently then what is presently our “go to” these days.

Chakaura at Clinic with Michele

These are all symptoms of stress mis-management and with our Chakaura™ Therapies such as our Chakaura™ Stress and Tension Eliminate Therapies , you will begin to re-energize all areas of your life. It is a well known fact that stress can kill, and we teach the science of that fact and how to take charge of your stress and your life and literally “Kick That Stress Out the Door!”


We help you better manage your daily energy by not letting stress accumulate. We also help you understand that the quality and quantity of energy you can access is solely responsible for the quality of your daily energy, the health of your body, and the resources you have to manage the many responsibilities and physical needs in your life. Your ability to embrace and create perfect health and the life you want to live all depends on how you manage your stress, in how much energy you access in a day, from what sources you get your energy, how you manage that energy and how strong is that energy you produce daily.

At Chakaura, we are the world’s top energy experts! Chakaura™ promotes a rational grounded approach to achieving and maintaining optimal health conditions through a progressive approach unique to us which is grounded on superpowering your life with the greatest energy any human being can tap into; their Chakaura Power! The life and energy of their Soul!


The Chakaura naturopathic-energy clinical services and programs, optimize and support as well as bring all your parts into alignment, your body, your emotional self, your mind and more importantly your Soul Power. Our services help you minimize all things that deplete your daily energy supplies and interrupts your innate ability to be in your full Power. It is all about Subtle Energy Management!

We are SUBTLE ENERGY BEINGS, science has proven this, so it is only logical that we approach health from this lens of perception. We at Chakaura™, are the world’s top Subtle Energy Experts!

We have the technology, the science and the know-how to help and guide you in better managing the stressor in your life that stop you from embracing the next best you!

In the course of our lifetimes we encounter opportunities that can drastically change us for the better, forever. This is one of those opportunities! 


At the Chakaura Clinic, we treat the SOURCE cause of your health imbalances. And that is what makes our modalities and programs so sought after around the world and so powerfully successful.

From the Soul – Through Your Mind – Into Your Body

Nothing in the physical worlds heals us; nothing..not food, not medication, not plants, nothing..


What these things do is build up and supports your Chakaura Soul energy, that which is the only thing to heal you.


We at Chakaura begin at the top by maximizing your Chakaura Soul connection so that you automatically maximize tapping into your natural healing energy.


By supporting and optimizing your Chakaura Energy Connection, you maximize your potential to self-heal, tap into your creative energy, have access to this energy to make changes in your life. The knowledge conveyed is supported by the latest research in Neuroscience, Neurocardiology, Epigenetics, and more.

Our Chakaura Clinics
InPerson, Remote, Online, or Hosted

Chakaura™ Clinic operates throughout the year in our Canada location and December 1st through May 1st in our Yucatan, Mexico location.  We offer 1 day or 3 day clinical packages, which can be found on our Clinical Packages page:

Our Chakaura™ Clinical Therapeutic Packages are for YOU, wanting to:

  • Better your life, in all areas and set the stage for real change.
  • You feel life is simply not bringing you what you need.
  • Energy healers, health care practitioners and any individuals who have a sensitive empathic body.
  • Takes self-care to the optimum level.
  • To those wishing to manage their stress and anxieties better.
  • For people wanting to follow a more natural holistic system of support.
  • When no one can help and you find yourself at a loss of what to do next; your Chakaura Power structural health, is that next!
  • People wanting to follow a more natural holistic system of support.

Traveling Chakaura™ Clinic

Looking to bring something different to your workplace? Michèle offers a traveling clinic that provides her specialized Structural Balancing Therapy and Bridge the Gap program. Are you interested in bringing a new way of thinking, life and productivity to your employees? 


Reach out to our promotional department by filling out the questionnaire below.

Chakaura Clinic Group Practice

Clinic Gallery

Mexico Center Reception
Mexico Center Reception

Living the Chakaura Way

“The Chakaura™ Training Programs will shift forever the way you SEE & understand your life; I guarantee it!

Learn about Your Chakaura™ Power; practice daily Chakaura™ techniques that enhance and bring up your Chakaura™ Energy levels benefiting all aspects of your life.

Your greatest Power on Earth: Your CHAKAURA Body!”

-Michèle C. St.Amour
Author ,Teacher, Healer

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