Welcome to my
Chakaura Programs
A New Era Demands New Tools, New Knowledge, Transformative Training
& a Grounded Lifestyle Approach Structured for Today's Energy Needs.
My Chakaura Subtle Energy Management Programs
A place where Science & Intuition walk hand-in-hand. If you find yourself here, obviously there is something very special waiting for you.
~ Michèle

Where to Begin?
Chakaura™ Fundamental 4 Steps that Ground & “IN Power” You in Ways You Cannot Imagine!
Start Today with a Video Guided Centering with Michèle

This Chakaura Centering guided exercise begins your journey of creating a sacred space for your Chakaura Power and embracing a higher energy to manifest!
People have shared immediate positive benefits from doing the practice daily.
Shifts in perspective begin on day 1 and will build as you practice this centering daily.
This is STEP 1 on your DISCOVER your Super Power, Your Chakaura as you JOURNEY with Michèle.
Become A Discover Member
Get it all in one package!

What Chakaura™ DISCOVER STEP 1
Can Help You Create!
Our Chakaura™ Discover program and subtle energy management techniques supports a process of self-mastery over your thoughts, feelings, your emotions, your pain is better managed and more importantly, your energy, is directed and managed that puts you in the driver seat of your life experiences in a positive transformative way!
The quality, quantity, and source of energy you use daily to do practically everything is of the utmost importance in creating the life you wish for.
Subtle Energy & Stress Management Training Programs gives you complete control of your life in all areas of your life!
Chakaura™ DISCOVER is a Self Paced - Self-Oriented
first step to experience your Chakaura™ Soul Power.
Join Chakaura Tribe; it's Free!
Stay updated on all the Chakaura news, our events, special offers, unique opportunities and receive videos, articles and more.
Join our Chakaura™ Tribe and begin your Journey and DISCOVER how to better manage your energy and stress, to support you in your goals, deepen your understanding of what is going on behind the scenes of your life and support you in implementing healthy energy practices. Begin the journey of uniquely integrating Your Inner and Outer World into one awareness, where you begin to learn how the way you think and hence feel creates the daily occurrences in your life.
Join the Chakaura TRIBE - FREE Explore Chakaura:
- Exclusive Video Library
- Additional Reading and Resources
- Monthly Newsletter
Tribe Sign Up

And get all benefits listed for less then half the price when bought individually plus so much more…
- The Gift #1 – A Guided Daily Chakaura™ Centering Video Series
- Access to Discover Library
- DESTINATION HAPPINESS booklet Daily Centering EXERCISE ; to Chakaura Powering Your Life
- CHAKAURA MUSING PLANNER & GUIDE to support you to self-realizations
- ‘Teacher Speaks’ in conversation with Michèle
- Blessings for just being in the group!
The JOURNEY of DISCOVER is the most rewarding adventure someone can embark on. There is no other like it! The Chakaura™ Planner guide supports your daily planning and offers you a tool to stay on task as well as in making self-realizations to support you in your targeted goals.
Becoming a DISCOVER MEMBER gives you access to many amazing support, tools and ways to begin awakening and experiencing your Chakaura Power, Your MUSE. DISCOVER a higher science through being a DISCOVER MEMBER.
As a member, it will help to explain your experiences and answer those questions no one seems to be able to before today! Learn about how your inner and outer worlds are really ONE. Gain the knowledge on how to manage the subtle energies of these as you embark on your self-discovery journey. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed! Become a DISCOVER MEMBER TODAY! and access all kinds of amazing self-discovery ways! We guarantee you will not regret it!
Master the Subtle Energies of Your Mind and Your Body and Shift your Life!
Our unique Training programs have a 100% Success Rate for all those who follow the program to completion and practice the daily short exercises.
We also have a 99.99% completion Rate!
This is a stunning rate of success supporting the well-being of all participants both professionally and personally.
Success in all aspects of your life is based upon the quality of energy you tap into to activate your life into action!
Michèle’s novel a story of Angelina and her Teacher. Awakening The Muse/ Movie and Series
Purchase Michèle’s book here or order through Amazon.

Included in your Chakaura Discovery Membership:
For years, thousands of people have been practicing my first THE GIFT 1, ONLINE video; a guided Chakaura™ Centering. They all have reported amazing daily positive shifts in their life!
Now I am happy to announce, that I have created its sister, and adjusted the frequencies so it is even more supportive of the needs of today!
INCLUDED IN YOUR DISCOVER MEMBERSHIP and get it as a bonus with your monthly subscription.
"Destination Happiness” Daily Self-Awareness Centering Booklet and CHAKAURA™ MUSING Planner Guide!
“Shift your Focus to Shift your Life!”- Michèle

Our DISCOVER Program offers you DESTINATION HAPPINESS. A self-paced daily exercise to begin your journey of manifesting more Chakaura™ Power into your daily life; the Energy that supports a shift of focus and a letting go of what no longer serves your goals!
These programs help you develop and understand the basic foundation that shapes your interaction with the world. They also guide you in managing subtle energies within and around you, empowering you to decide where you want to go on your journey of Self-Discovery.
Teacher Speaks
Included in DISCOVER Membership or Purchase Monthly
Michèle picks a hot topic of the month and shares unusual knowledge, insights and ways to meet the many daily challenges we all have as we seek to transform our lives to create the life we wish to live. She shares unusual knowledge on hot topics such as: Managing Empathy – Controlling our Emotions; Mastering a Racing Mind; How Love Truly Heals – An Energy Not An Emotion; Destination Happiness – A Mind Trick; The Science of Transformation; The Science of The Soul, in real time! The list of topics are numerous and endless but the key is how she simplifies complex ideas and processes that make these accessible to everyone!
She guides us through many misaligned ideas, ways of thinking, and society’s misconceptions about our cultural subconscious imprints. She also explores the impact of our daily activities, how our mindsets influence us, and the spiritual practices and concepts we believe in.
Michèle, in her unique way, introduces simple and easy ways to transform, self-heal and balance all areas of our life. She believes that staying strong and balanced in the body, mind and Soul is key to success, abundance, health and creating lasting happiness.

Teacher Speaks Monthly by Michèle. Gain clarity on current demands and shifts. Learn tools and techniques to manage your stress and that of others, and easy ways to stay In-Powered. Gain deep insights into the broader context of events
Begins SEPTEMBER 2024!
Harness your Chakaura™ Power and learn how to use that most powerful energy on earth to eliminate the stuck energy responsible for all the negative aspects of life!
Continue Your Journey. . .
Our most sought after program:
Chakaura™ Direct - Bridge the Gap
Register today for our LIVE with Michèle, ONLINE Chakaura™ Bridge the Gap (BTG) Training Program where she teaches you the secret and techniques to bridge the gap of illusion between your outer and inner worlds. In this program she begins to teach a higher science of what makes you ticks, as well understanding your subtle body energies, your Chakaura Power.
This program helps individuals begin an intimate relationship with their personal Power so they can better manage their daily energy.. This transformative program is suitable for everyone including executives, entrepreneurs, artists, parents, couples, healthcare workers, seniors, and children, IN-Powers lives through daily simple centering practices
Participants can expect to experience numerous benefits such as increased happiness, balance, and presence, improved communication and productivity, better parenting and relationships, enhanced reactivity and health, better sleep, clarity, focus, groundedness, and significantly reduced stress.
NEED MORE Targeted Personalized Training?
Personalized Bridge the Gap Programs
This BTG specialized training program for Energy & Stress Management is designed to tailor the Bridge The Gap Training Program specifically to your needs, considering your unique challenges and goals. It begins with a consultation, during which, with the guidance of one of our Chakaura™ Health Specialists and your responses to a questionnaire focused on your target needs, we collaboratively develop a training program. This program is meticulously STRUCTURED around your goals, the needs of your employees, or your activities, all grounded in the Bridge The Gap techniques for Energy and Stress Management.
Whether you require support with time scheduling, staying on-task, meeting deadlines, managing situational emotions, nutritional support, or addressing NSDS issues, we ensure the program is aligned to meet your specific requirements.
Whatever they are, we will structure a training program with your targeted goals and needs just for you!
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion resulting from prolonged exposure to high levels of stress.
Workplace stress refers to the physical, emotional, and mental strain experienced by employees due to job demands, work environment, or organizational factors.
Host Michèle at your company for a 1 day workshop.
Effective energy management is crucial for athletes, and the Chakaura™ Energy Management program can bring enhancing their performance consistency, recovery, mental clarity, and overall health.
Learn more about this and then schedule a consultation with one of your advanced practitioners to schedule your athlete in the program.
Better manage competitive and performance stress.
At Chakaura – we teach youth – with the support of their parents – to use easy to use, in the moment Tools that help them to release stress (not numb it away) and access energy to make the healthy decisions necessary in that moment and for their future!
We teach a set of techniques that help you re-gain some of that lost or wasted energy – as well as teach how to access NEW energy – not only in those moments when you need it the most but also ANYTIME.

The Below Programs Require The Completion of DIRECT
Chakaura™ Advanced Subtle Energy Training

Level 1 for therapist, healthcare , massage , hands-on care givers, osteopaths, acupuncturists, etc.
Chakaura™ Master: Advance NEP Master Doctorate

Level 2 is the Master Doctorate Level of Expertise: Self-help, family support ORIENTED, advanced THERAPEUTIC energy training,