Chakaura by Michele

Chakaura Youth Program


Highly Effective Energy Stress Management for Youths and Parents


Teenage years have been found to be one of the most crucial in development of happy, productive, healthy adults!

So many programs occur on what we have missing in society for our young adults (youth).

They focus on relief from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts. We can help with all of the suffering that youth go through – however – we focus on getting better – better sleep, better mood, better mindset, better performance, better communication, better grades, better health!

How? By helping them HELP THEMSELVES – not merely through medications – but through action!

At Chakaura – we teach youth – with the support of their parents – to use easy to use, in the moment Tools that help them to release stress (not numb it away) and access energy to make the healthy decisions necessary in that moment and for their future!

How does this work?

Let’s give an example – Often stress can present itself in many ways for our youth today –

Lack of sleep – due to over-stimulation on devices – leaves the teen lying awake in their bed worrying about the day. This contributing to the lack of sleep. Then waking up in the morning for school tired, anxious, worried, grumpy and causing reactions in the home with their siblings and parents.

Then this stress builds at school when they are struggling to perform in class with the stresses of peers, schoolwork, high emotions (hormonal changes) and the pressures of “fitting in” – to then receive a low mark, an emotional blow – leaving them coming home in an even heightened mood of stress and anxiousness – anger – frustration – causing further reactions at home – eat – try to sleep and repeat!

Where in a day do they (and you as a parent) get a reprieve from the stress? To perform - to excel - to be healthy and happy - energy is needed!
So how do you break the cycle?

Chakaura helps you break the cycle!

Chakaura Youth Program Looks At:

Helping you by identifying the energy blocks – or in other words – where are you losing your vital energy in a day?

We look at:

Screen Time
Mental Health
Physical Health
Family Dynamics

Then we help you as a parent and your teen identify through a personalized consultation how to best address their and your needs!

Youth Program 1

Then we teach a set of techniques that help you re-gain some of that lost or wasted energy – as
well as teach how to access NEW energy – not only in those moments when you need it the most but also ANYTIME .

Can you imagine how different life would be, if you could help your teen break that cycle?

Chakaura Youth Program Kids
  • Sleep better
  • Wake up rested and happy
  • Come down in the morning, positive and ready to face the day
  • Manage the stresses at school with ease
  • Get better marks
  • Perform better at sports and activities
  • Communicate with you, family, teachers, coaches, friends, peers better
  • Excel in relationships
  • Be healthier all around! Stay healthy – Be happier!

Chakaura programs – help with ALL of this! With very fast turnaround time – which is SO CRITICAL for everyone involved to recognize results quickly – hence promoting the continuation of the use of the Chakaura Tools – and the more productive patterns of health and happiness!

Stress relief – energy management and healthy, happy attitudes and behaviours!

Ready to take the next step?

Take this self-assessment. After you complete the assessment you will be directed to make an appointment for consultation with one of our Practitioners.

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