Chakaura by Michele

The Role of Forgiveness

It really hurts when someone close betrays you. The pain can be deep and the wounds long lasting. People can wound one another many ways. Spouses can be unfaithful through affairs, pornographic addictions, and lying about finances. Words are spoken that crush one another’s spirit. Children can also say and do things that grieve you tremendously. 

The list of the ways people can hurt one another seems endless. These wounds often times turn into anger, bitterness, resentment and un-forgiveness. They consume people from the inside like a cancer. Unless these hurts are addressed and resolved, the wronged person becomes enslaved by hatred and hardness of heart – victimized by their own unwillingness to forgive.

This has been a human condition since the fall of mankind. Sinful actions hurt others and this hurt frequently begets more pain as the offended seeks vengeance in retaliation against the offender. Pain and torment are perpetuated by un- forgiveness.

Healing from certain traumatic events (emotional, mental or physical) asks a person to let go of the need to understand, which is quite opposite of the approach of today’s traditional therapy. Forgiveness is more about ‘letting go and nothing to do with understanding why. This powerful emotional process of letting go of trauma when followed in the traditional way if painful and suffering and so is often shunned or avoided. The way I teach through the Chakaura™ teaching is painless, easy, simple and brings long lasting relief. My approach to healing is the polar opposite of traditional well known and most practiced healing systems of today.

Trauma Science

let it go

Research in a new science called trauma science is showing forgiveness plays a significant role in the physical and emotional healing process of a person. But what really is forgiveness and how do we accomplish this?

Conversely, research seems to indicate that not forgiving involves holding grudges, being resentful, vengeful, bitter, chronically angry and even filled with hatred; which are unhealthy emotions that do not contribute toward healing and exacerbate the trauma. In my world that is simply a refusal to let go of the stuck energies of the emotions and memories involved the trauma but it is also that people simply do not know how to let go.

Individuals who have been hurt, betrayed, and abused have a right to be angry and resentful. These are normal reactions and emotions when feeling the crushed spirit that can come from being disrespected or abused. If not dealt with, such angry reactions often damage our personal health on several levels: These include killer cell cytotoxicity, autoimmune suppression, disruption of personal relationships, Acute Coronary Syndrome, and consequent increased mortality.

Before we can understand or forgive a traumatic life experience we must first learn to acknowledge our emotions surrounding the trauma or event and people involved, and then let go of the energy of hurt and anger stuck in our subtle energy system that keeps us in the past event. Chakaura teaches us how it is easy to let go of these stuck energies without opening up the wholeness like traditional therapy approaches follow. The more you talk about it the more energy you give it and it becomes even more difficult to let go.

Letting it go automatically shift into understanding as a byproduct of creating a space for the wisdom of the life experience that is part of the trauma.  As long as anger or any emotion is is present and stuck in your subtle energy fields, (mindset, emotions, stress, memory, etc) , nothing will change and the anger you feel everything something triggers the memory and all its stuff, feeds the trauma and its gets bigger and more invasive.

Knowledge can be power if applied. People often hold onto “un-forgiveness”, too afraid to forgive because they think if I forgave it was saying that all the things that happened to me were ok. But then I realized it was not like that at all. That I could forgive without it being ok. I clearly saw my ideas surrounding forgiveness stopped me from freeing myself from my pain and trauma.

At Chakaura, one of my main objectives when people come to me for help is to teach them the science of self-healing,, how in fact emotions work, how they get “stuck”, and how to in fact let them go. In fact, it has nothing to do with understanding or getting a life lesson like most think or teach.

In fact, the wisdom of the experience comes when you have faith in life and Let go without the understanding which in fact is just the EGO controlling you. Yes, the ego holds onto ideas and demands to understand. But we cannot understand everything…

The understanding only comes once we let go and create a space for the understanding to settle.

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